
Minecraft Equestrian Server


Livestock Ranch

Facility Information:

A facility for producing livestock and produce. Can house up to 20 of each livestock species (+4 from default cap) and 16 in storage. Can house 5 personal animals (e.g., dogs, cats) and 2 horses. Branding and custom breeds are permitted.


Horse Amounts Allowed Barns Pastures Arenas Roundpen Office Brand Requirements Additional Notes
2 horses (personal use) Optional; shelters in pastures. Each species needs own enclosure. Not required. Not required. Required; must include facility info. Must purchase a brand. Players can brand and register custom breeds.

Breeding Facility

Facility Information:

A facility for producing foals for sale or customers. Can house up to thirty horses on the property, this is not including foals or brood/studs clients have brought in for breeding purposes. After certification, the breeding facility owner may own an additional +4 horses onto their maximum horse cap, these MUST be used and housed on their facility. Horses being offered for breeding HAVE to be housed on the facility. Only owner and one co-owner may use horses for breeding.


Horse Amounts Allowed Barns Pastures Arenas Roundpen Office Brand Requirements Additional Notes
30 horses (+4 certified) Minimum 2; 1 for dams and foals. Minimum 3; 1 for dams and foals. Not required. Not required. Required; must include facility info. Must purchase a brand. Breeding facilities should offer varied services.

Boarding Facility

Facility Information:

A facility for boarding horses with up to 30 horses allowed (not including owner’s horses). Must provide at least two boarding plans (e.g., self-care or full-care stall board). Pricing varies by package.


Horse Amounts Allowed Barns Pastures Arenas Roundpen Office Brand Requirements Additional Notes
30 horses (client-owned) Minimum 2; 1 recommended for stallions. Minimum 2 for turnout/live out. Minimum 2 for boarder use. Required; 12x12 min. Required; must include facility info. Must purchase a brand. Owners can include personal spaces and up to 5 pets.

Personal Areas If stated, a facility may contain a discreet "personal area" that a player can use for housing and storage. Players may keep up to 8 personal entities (eg. cats, dogs, etc) on the property, entities and the area itself should not interrupt the flow of the facility. Entities on the property cannot be used for profit or sales and should ideally be restricted to "pet" type animals, you are not permitted to house horses on the property unless it is stated.
Additional Builds Facilities may have add-ons that are not stated within the requirements. For example, players may want to add additional arenas and such to properties, this is permitted as long as all standards are met and it relates to the facility.
Combining Facilities cannot be combined with each other at this current point in time. Facilities may be connected by a path/trail, however must be at least 12 chunks apart from any direction when standing at the edge of each property (though we encourage players to spread out further to prevent accidents). The area between the two properties can contain decoration. This is inclusive of personal areas where you plan to house horses and livestock unless stated in the specific facility type. Facilities cannot be combined due to a variety of reasons - our main ones being lag and distinction between each property, this is easier for our staff to regulate. Each property needs to be out of render (therefore being x amount of chunks away) due to lag control purposes, allowing facilities to be combined means a larger amount of entities being rendered in at once. Each facility should also be unique and stand out to our playerbase, having combined facilities may cause confusion with our facility requirements as each type has it's own distinct requirements and services it must offer. In real life, you would also typically not see multiple large scale businesses being combined together. We encourage all of our players to use the space provided to them, our world currently spans 200,000 x 200,000 blocks which allows plenty of room to explore. We do not encourage players building close together due to possible expansion of their facilities/builds - you may ask staff to fly around the area first to check you aren't near any other player. If you are too close to another player, you may be asked to move your property a significant distance away.