
Minecraft Equestrian Server


Animal Welfare Standards All players must abide by our animal welfare standards in order to promote a realistic in game farming experience for everyone. Enclosures should be double checked BEFORE animals are housed inside of them to ensure they are safe, secure and meet all of the animals needs. Our livestock capacity includes animals under the ownership of a player, in order to promote resource gathering and player stores, players may breed above the limit as long as the animals are culled or stored back to appropriate levels before the player logs off. Players may opt for a livestock license and ranch if they are wanting to house more animals on their property, alternatively they may choose to purchase more slots on our store.

Maximum of each species allowed out: 16
Livestock Space Each Shelter Food
Pigs 16 blocks 4 blocks Grazing / Hay - Access to water
Sheep 12 blocks 3 blocks Grazing / Hay - Access to water
Chickens 6 blocks 2 blocks Grazing / Hay - Access to water
Llamas 16 blocks 4 blocks Grazing / Hay - Access to water
Goats 10 blocks 3 blocks Grazing / Hay - Access to water
Rabbits 4 blocks 2 blocks Grazing / Hay - Access to water
Cows 16 blocks 4 blocks Grazing / Hay - Access to water


Maximum of each species allowed out: 16
Pets Space Each Shelter Food
Dogs 12 blocks 4 blocks Food bowl / Water bowl
Parrots 8 blocks - Minimum enclosure height of 2 blocks 2 blocks None required, may include bowls for decoration
Ferrets 6 blocks 2 blocks None required, may include bowls for decoration
Guinea Pigs 4 blocks 2 blocks None required, may include bowls for decoration
Otters 12 blocks, must include a water/pool area in the enclosure 3 blocks None required, may include bowls for decoration
Small Fish / Aquatics 1 tank block OR 1 block of dedicated water space per fish N/A None required, fish feed encouraged
Medium Fish / Aquatics 4 tank blocks OR 4 blocks of dedicated water space per fish N/A None required, fish feed encouraged

Any animals not listed specifically in the space requirements should be provided an adequate amount of space and shelter depending on their needs, reference it to an animal of similar size on our above requirements. Large exotic animals (eg. elephants, tigers, bears, kangaroos) should have at least 200b of dedicated space per animal due to their size. If you are not sure, it is best to assume the larger requirements. Hostile mobs and those with a high jump must be in a suitable enclosure that they cannot escape or injure other animals from.